
Since I’ve worked as a professional writer for over 20 years, I’ve written and edited an enormous number of documents. Unfortunately, I can’t share the most interesting ones (like technical documents I wrote for NASA!) because they are proprietary. Here’s a Google Drive link to the files with articles, fliers, technical documentation, and more that I can share. My full resume is available here.


I have helped authors develop and write a variety of nonfiction books. I specialize in memoirs, family history projects, and nonfiction business books. In 2014, I self published my first book for a niche audience about the history of one of my favorite caves. I wanted a high quality print book with lots of photos, and printing books is expensive. I set up a crowdfunding campaign on Indiogogo and raised $5,000 in less than a month to fund the book. I hired an editor and cover designer, but did all the layout myself in InDesign. The book got rave reviews from my niche audience and also won a Benjamin Franklin Award for interior design excellence. I collaborated with a friend on my second caving book, titled Hidden Wilderness. He wrote the text and I did the design and layout. I also started a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo for this one to try to cover our production costs of $25,000. We blew past our goal and raised $34,240. The book turned out great, we are very proud of it. Below are a few pages from the book.

Magazine Articles

I’ve written for numerous national magazines about topics as varied as caves, bats, erosion control, and how to run a pet store. Writing for magazines is so much fun and a great way for nonfiction authors to establish their credentials and publicize their books. You can find some of the articles I’ve written on this Google Drive link.

Business & Nonprofit Marketing Materials

Businesses and nonprofits need many different types of materials to market their businesses. I’ve designed and written white papers, annual reports, brochures, marketing fliers, web page text, press releases, grant proposals, and more. I have some samples on this Google drive, including a white paper, corporate marketing flyer, an annual report, nonprofit press release, fundraising letters, nonprofit marketing flyers, a grant proposal (that got funded), and a print newsletter. Here are a few press releases I wrote that are available online:

Technical Writing and Editing

I’ve written technical materials for some fascinating businesses. For my day job, I write user documentation for telecommunications equipment and software. In the past, one of the most fascinating jobs I’ve had was writing operating procedures for a giant gas atomized metal powder furnace that produces powder for 3D printing. I have extensive experience writing user instructions and marketing materials for all sorts of complex engineering, telecommunications, and architectural hardware and software. I even got to write operator instructions for labs at NASA that tested materials to use on spacecraft. Most of my technical writing samples are proprietary, but a few are for software products that aren’t available anymore and yet others are available on public websites. A few of my technical writing samples are in the Technical Writing folder on this Google Drive link. The types of materials I’ve designed, written, and edited include user guides, reference guides, user tutorials, getting started guides, quick start guides, database administrator guides, configuration guides, training materials, self-paced online courses, and installation guides.